Week 1 : My Initial thoughts

This week was my first week back at university after finishing my undergrad. Over the summer, I have been reflecting on what I have learned from my past three years at uni and what I want to accomplish from my master’s. In the first lecture, we were set a task of answering some questions about who we are and what we want to achieve from this module:

Past Experiences: 

  • Undergraduate degree in Digital media design – started to enjoy working within UX/UI industry and learning the psychology behind UX
  • Been working as a designer for a healthcare communications company for the past year, recently been promoted to being in charge of social media. – realised that I would like to try working as a freelancer but would still like to look for work in small independent companies

Industry Interests : 

  • I started my undergraduate focusing on branding and logo design which I still enjoy but in my third year, I really enjoyed working with user experience and user interface design and maybe incorporating animation into it.
  • I have noticed that I enjoy working with smaller companies as I enjoy working on a project and being a part of the whole process as well as being able to communicate with clients and understand exactly what they want. 

Passion Pursuits: 

  • In my third year, I created a project called Off Coast which was a sustainable recycling platform that turned material from the beach into jewellery – I’m quite passionate about this project as I think it could be really successful
  • I like working on projects that promote positivity and try to create something that will help people

Vision Forward:

  • I would like to focus my skills on UX/UI and understand user experience more
  • I would also like to see if I can incorporate animation into my finished work to present it in a unique way that would stand out to clients and employers 
  • I would also like to know a little bit more about back-end development as I think this would help my freelance career

I think it’s important, at the start of this project to set out exactly who I am and what kind of designer I would like to be as I will be able to look back on this when I’m researching my industry which will help me to focus on what I want to accomplish form this module. 

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