Final Major Project


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“More needs to be done to bridge the gap between work and study. I often find that graduates aren’t ‘industry-ready.”

Cecilia Righini (Founder of Studio Lutalica)

In the article; How can the industry make design careers seem more accessible? Bamford, (2023) collected a variety of interviews with founders and CEOs of successful design agencies. They were asked to comment on the current issues graduates are facing in the job market. 

This article summarised the known problem of  design graduates struggling to find the experience to land their first full time role. Even though the industry promotes design degrees, many students are faced with the reality of not having enough experience to present to future employers. The majority of the founders highlighted this, and argued that graduates should be supported to gather the experience in order to become “industry ready.” Therefore finding it easier to enter a full-time position and start their careers. 

How can we bridge the gap?

The concept of this project is to create a student led creative agency, based in Winchester. The agency would create an opportunity for students to work on briefs set out by real companies and experience the design industry. This not only allows students to gain experience but shows companies the potential and skills of graduate designers. Ultimately creating a more accessible job market. 

Aim and Objectives

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Time Management

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Starting a creative agency

Below is a blog where, I met the founder of the design agency Black Eye Project where he shone insight into what its like starting a creative agency 

Examples of Student-Led Creative Agencies

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SWOT Analysis

Possible Challenges

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Ethics Forms

