My Blog

My initial thoughts

In this blog, I reflect on my undergraduate degree alongside my initial thoughts about starting my master’s. 

Hireachy of needs

I researched Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and understood how this related to business and design. 


I looked into accessibility and became more aware of the importance of designing for all disability’s 


In this blog, I researched trends in the UX/UI industry 

Learning Software

I show my process of learning an industry-standard software called Figma and how i implemented it into my projects 

Prioritising Assumptions

In order to improve my design thinking and time management I researched the theory of prioritising assumptions 

Logo Design Principles

In this blog, I reflect on my undergraduate degree alongside my initial thoughts about starting my master’s. 

Workshop : Creative Action Toolkit

In this blog, I practice the creative action toolkit workshop for my RSA project YOKU

Sympathy and Empathy in UX

In this blog, I reflect on my undergraduate degree alongside my initial thoughts about starting my master’s. 

What is Dark UX

In this blog, I discover what dark UX is and how I can combat this within my designs. 

Women in Creative Industries

In this blog, research into women in creative industries and what can be sone to support and empower them. 

Creating a Creative Agency

In this blog, I reflect on my online meeting with Tom Storer, from The Black Eye Project.